In-depth masterclasses announced for #NCFL24 Learn more
Family Engagement
Family Leadership

Fragile Neighborhoods: Strategies for Success

November 17, 2024
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Many of us work in fragile neighborhoods, places with broken homes, weak associations, loneliness, and drug overdoses. Instead of viewing these places as empty vessels to be rescued by outside service providers, we should look for local leaders, activists, and innovative social entrepreneurs to make things better. But not just any help will do. Instead, the pathway to revitalization is to work horizontally across the landscape to strengthen the interconnected web of institutions and relations in each place. Resources can help, but without social cohesion, they are insufficient. Rather than replace these leaders with fancy new policy interventions, we should help communities build on what’s working.

Please note: Offered free of charge with the purchase of a 3-day or single-day registration pass but registrants must sign up in advance to attend.