Save the date! 2025 Families Learning Conference Nov. 2-5 in Charlotte Read more

Charla Hale

Search Institute

As a seasoned trainer and practitioner, Charla’s enthusiasm has galvanized community members to collaborate and support whatever she is part of. Charla, an alum of Xavier University, earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, Politics and the Public, and a master’s degree in Private Interest, Public Good with minors in Gender and Diversity and Peace and Justice Studies. A Cincinnati, Ohio native, Charla is committed to seeing local families and practitioners to be provided with the highest level of service and support. She currently serves on numerous local non-profit and faith-based organization
boards, is an active volunteer at her local church and is a member of the Rotary Club. Charla is also a dynamic public speaker, having represented YWCA Hamilton, The Family and Children First Council, and more on various systems change and racial equity work at the conferences like the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America National Conference, Kentucky Prevention Conference, YWCA USA National Conference and more.