To pay by purchase order or check, register online at and reach out to us to receive our w9 form by emailing
If registering online and paying by check, mail check to National Center for Families Learning, ATTN: Conference, 325 W. Main St., Ste. 300, Louisville, KY 40202. Make sure to include the name of registrant and confirmation number.
If registering online and paying by purchase order, a copy of the actual signed purchase order must be submitted to or mailed to National Center for Families Learning, ATTN: Conference, 325 W. Main St., Ste. 300, Louisville, KY 40202. Make sure to include the name of registrant and confirmation number.
Registrations will not be approved until the signed purchase order or check is submitted. Purchase orders and checks submitted without registration forms or registrant’s name and confirmation number cannot be processed.