Save the date! 2025 Families Learning Conference Nov. 2-5 in Charlotte Read more
General Session
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Opening Session With Lunch

November 18, 2024
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The stage is set, the anticipation is building! Grab lunch in the Marriott Ballroom Foyer (included in your registration) and settle in for the kick off of the 2024 Families Learning Conference. We’ll begin the session with a “Call to the Post” from Official Churchill Downs Bugler Steve Buttleman and a warm welcome from NCFL’s President & CEO, Felicia C. Smith, Ed.D. The morning’s keynote will be provided by Dana Suskind, MD, founder and co-director of the TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health at the University of Chicago. A recognized thought leader on the national stage, Dr. Suskind has dedicated her research and clinical life to optimizing foundational brain development and preventing early cognitive disparities and their lifelong impact. Her presentation will focus on the potential of smart technology to support caregivers and optimize children’s early development.