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Micheline Lavalle

Family Literacy Specialist
Fairfax County Public Schools

Micheline Lavalle is the Family Literacy English as a Second Language (ESOL) Specialist for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). For 25 years, she has been devising and implementing programs for multilingual immigrant families. Her passion and vision have brought her to develop, launch, and lead multiple highly impactful programs that build the capacity of immigrant families to partner with their children’s schools and connect them to the greater community. This work empowers immigrant families to become advocates and contributors to their children’s educational success, which often has an impact on their receptivity and inclusion in their children’s schools and community. In the last 10 years, Micheline has expanded the Family Literacy programming to include an arts-based approach through a partnership with the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery and Office for Educational Technology and has presented at numerous national and international conferences and webinars. Micheline holds a Bachelor of Individualized Study in Art, Immigration and Social Change from George Mason University. She is the Vice President of the Hispanic Educators Association-Hispanic Leadership Alliance (HEA-HLA) which supports the advancement of Hispanic Educators, promotes an equitable education for all multilingual students in the school district and awards scholarships to first-generation college-bound Hispanic students. She is a co-host and co-creator of an award-winning multilingual podcast, In Other Words, launched during the pandemic to connect immigrant families to vital resources and important news about the school district. Micheline is a proud immigrant, mother of five children and grandmother to seven.