NCFL is seeking presentation proposals now through April 18 Learn more and apply

Stephanie Harmon

Executive Director
United Parents

Stephanie Harmon, a 30-year-old mother of two, has a rich background in the non-profit housing sector. With experience in early childhood education, parenting networks, case management, community development, and program development, Harmon has been instrumental in empowering families through partnerships with the educational community. Her involvement with the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) has not only amplified her voice and increased her confidence but has also equipped her with the knowledge, experience, and skills to create a more comprehensive support system for families. Through national networking, exploring other communities, engaging in public speaking, facilitating groups, and presenting research, Harmon has been able to expand her professional and personal horizons. Her experience with NCFL has been transformative, propelling her forward in both her career and personal life.