NCFL is seeking presentation proposals now through April 18 Learn more and apply



The Families Learning Conference is heading to Charlotte, North Carolina, November 2-5, 2025!

NCFL’s annual conference is laser-focused on delivering learning content to support educators and others to engage families in family learning, with an emphasis on innovative practices.

We are seeking family learning professionals to present best practices, strategies, and resources to use in classroom and community settings to help families succeed in accomplishing their learning and career goals. Proposals should reflect highly interactive and engaging presentations that include strategies and/or materials that attendees can use right away in their classrooms or programs.

This Call for Proposals closes 11:59 pm PDT Friday, April 18.

Preview the application by clicking here.

Get started

Key dates: 

February 24, 2025: Application opens 

April 18, 2025: Application closes 

June 13, 2025: Applicants notified of application status

July 2025: Presenters notified of date/time for presentation 

September 15, 2025: Presenters must be registered for Conference 

October 10, 2025: Hotel room block expires 

October 24, 2025: Deadline to upload digital presentation materials for Conference mobile app 

November 2-5, 2025: Conference event dates

Presenter benefits and agreement

Lead presenters receive:

  • Half off the 3-day registration fee
  • Any group meals included in the 3-day registration fee
  • A speaker profile page on the Conference website and mobile app

Upon acceptance, lead presenters agree:

  • To complete the speaker commitment form, indicating their commitment to present.
  • To register by September 15, 2025. Instructions to receive the lead presenter discount will be emailed to the primary email address provided on the application.
  • One lead presenter discount will be awarded per session.
  • If applicable, ensure co-presenters are aware of their presentation’s acceptance.
  • If applicable, ensure co-presenters register by September 15, 2025.
  • NCFL reserves the right to revise presentation titles or descriptions as needed for event materials such as the conference website or printed program.
  • To upload presentation materials for inclusion in the Conference mobile app by October 24, 2025.
  • To supply all printed and/or electronic handouts for their presentations.
  • To supply their own laptop for their presentation or rent one from Conference organizers for a fee.
  • To adhere to intellectual property and copyright laws for any content used in their presentations.
  • To abstain from selling or promoting products during the sessions. Presenters may only describe how materials are used in an educational setting.
  • To make their own travel and hotel arrangements.

Presentation Details

  • Allotted time: 60-75 minutes (precise time to be confirmed this summer)
  • AV included: WiFi, LCD projector and screen (PC-compatible), podium with microphone, speakers, and sound patch
  • Mac and select PC ultrabook users with no VGA port should bring an adapter if they plan to use the projector. These are typically miniDisplay Port to VGA adapters or USB Type C to VGA. Connections may be supplied by our AV vendor if arranged ahead of time.
  • Presentation must fall into one of the following content areas (see strand descriptions below). Preference will be given to session descriptions that explicitly weave evidence-based practices and innovation into their content and methods.
    • Family Literacy
    • Family Engagement
    • Family Leadership
    • Research and Evaluation
    • Policy and Impact
  • Presenters also have the option to select two topics from this list
    • Adult Education
    • Afterschool and Out of School Time
    • Arts and Humanities
    • Asset-Based Approaches to Family Engagement
    • Co-Design
    • Collective Impact
    • Cradle to Career
    • Digital Learning and Innovation
    • Early Childhood Education
    • Family Service Learning
    • Financial Literacy
    • Funding and Sustainability
    • Health Literacy
    • K-12 Education
    • Library
    • Lived Experiences Shared by Presenters/Participants
    • Multilingual Family Learning
    • Parent and Child Together (PACT) Time®
    • Parent Time
    • Partnership Development
    • Play-Based Learning
    • Positive Family Engagement Experiences
    • Project-Based Learning
    • Recruitment and Retention
    • Barriers to Family Participation
    • Social-Emotional Learning
    • Trauma-Sensitive Programming

Selection Criteria

Your proposal has the best chance of being selected if you:

  • Include how your strategies and content ensure fairness and belonging
  • Choose the content area that best fits your presentation topic
  • Identify your target audience
  • Provide learning objectives
  • Reference evidence-based practices
  • Make strong connections to multigenerational learning
  • Share strategies, implementation ideas, and/or lessons learned
  • Provide content that inspires discussion
  • Engage attendees in an interactive format

Priority will be given to presentations that address one or more of the following topics:

  • Lived experiences shared by presenters/participants
  • K-12 education, specifically middle and high school
  • Digital literacy and innovations
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Partnership development
  • Funding/sustainability
  • Financial literacy

Content areas

While education solutions for families are many, this conference and the selected presentations focus on education solutions that involve all members of the family and help to build thriving communities. Presentations must focus on multigenerational learning strategies, best practices, or innovations, or family learning research, evaluation, or policy. To maximize your chance of selection to present, please submit a proposal that meets one of our focused content strands:

Family Literacy
The four-component Family Literacy model includes children’s education, adult education, parent education, and interactive parent-child literacy and learning activities (Parent and Child Together [PACT] Time®). Presentations in this strand may include such topics as: opportunities for all learners; adult English as a second language (ESL) classes; high school equivalency preparation; literacy education; adults supporting children’s education; career and college readiness; building strong technology skills that support education and work goals; goal setting for participants; multigenerational instructional strategies; curricular implementation; collaboration among early childhood and adult education; language and literacy strategies for multilingual families; innovative early childhood practices; assessments supporting instruction; learners with disabilities; dual-language learners; recruiting and retaining families for programming; community partnerships that align with families learning; and new innovations in family literacy services.

Family Engagement
Family engagement programming includes learning opportunities, events, activities, and strategies that are focused on developing oral language and literacy skills, achieving developmental milestones, and supporting children’s learning outcomes. Presentations in this strand should reflect strong family engagement efforts that are designed in partnership with schools, districts, and community-based organizations, and are aimed at building dual capacity of families and educators. Suggested topics include building relationships with families, increasing positive communication, supporting at-home learning, involving families in decision-making, co-designing family engagement with families, engaging families that are second language learners, and supporting hard-to-reach families. Proposals that target innovative classroom practices and instructional strategies related to literacy, STEAM, inquiry-based learning, integration of technology, and social-emotional learning will also be considered.

Family Leadership
Family leadership programs are designed to support parenting adults and caregivers with knowledge and skills by providing tools and learning opportunities to become engaged advocates for themselves, their children, their families, and communities. NCFL welcomes the submission of proposals that feature informative practices for family leaders. Suggested topics for this strand include co-design, advocacy, language inclusive practices, community outreach planning, power and asset mapping, and strategies for parents and caregivers to engage other parents and caregivers, schools, and community organizations.

Research and Evaluation
Sessions that focus on current topics of educational research have long been an integral part of NCFL’s national conference. NCFL welcomes the submissions of proposals that feature the implementation and impact of research-based program studies and evaluations of family programs, particularly programs that focus on multigenerational education. Other suggested topics include insights on the challenges associated with doing research and evaluation with families who are furthest from opportunity; approaching evaluation co-design with families to ensure we are elevating their voices and lived experiences; and conveying quantitative data as well as qualitative data to tell the story of impact and outcomes.

Policy and Impact
Successful and sustainable family learning systems (family literacy, family engagement, and family leadership) are built on creative and innovative uses of supportive policies and strong, long-lasting partnerships. This requires combining effective communication of program successes with compelling impact data and family stories that reinforce the benefits they provide to families and more broadly, communities. Suggested topics within this strand include examples of how family learning programs have blended funding streams to provide services; how stakeholders have advocated for family-friendly policy at the local, state, and federal levels; activating parenting adults’ leadership skills to support their child’s learning activating parenting adults’ leadership skills to support their child’s learning; how data can tell convincing stories; and innovative ways to showcase programs.

Information about our attendees

  • 65.5% of attendees have 5 or more years of experience in education and 47.3% have 10 or more years of experience.
  • In 2024, conference attendees shared the following as their primary work categories:
    • Education spanning family literacy/learning, early childhood, K-12, post-secondary, adult, and administration (all education-related categories combined make up 36.6% of attendees)
    • Community-Based organization/nonprofit
    • Library
    • Business leader

Attendees come to the Families Learning Conference for:

  • The variety of professional development offerings available
  • Networking opportunities and to build their professional learning communities
  • Highly interactive and engaging presentations
  • Materials they can bring back to their classrooms or programs and use right away
  • Concrete strategies and methods to help families succeed in accomplishing their academic and economic goals

Apply to present

The deadline to apply is Friday, April 18, 2025